Let There Be Light!

Let There Be Light!

By Adam Pederson, UDS Board Secretary

This past January, the students enrolled in Uniting Distant Stars electrician program assisted in installing the first stage of the long-awaited solar panels of the learning center in Monrovia. With the assistance of Taleance T Tokpah (who was the vendor from T & T Solar Tech and a technician himself) guiding them along the way, our students were able to bring the learning center to a new level of independence where it will not rely as heavily on the city’s unreliable grid nor a diesel generator.

Your students working with Mr. Tokaph installing solar panels on our center’s roof

The number of times after hours, work was done in the dark became numerous due to power outages. The cost of diesel also meant the generator was left for class hours and emergency use. Having a kitchen, coursework in electrical work and a newly updated computer lab are nothing without the power to make them run. But now they have that power.

Future students will not only be able to easily learn how solar panels work but also how to install and maintain them. Besides the usual skills that have been taught in our electrician course, the hands-on solar panel experience will give our students an additional skill that will set them apart when they are seeking full-time employment upon graduation in a field that currently does not have as many people with expertise in the growing field of renewable energy.

The solar panels also now show how easy it is to provide clean, environmentally-friendly power that lights up and powers many of the essentials needed to run a place of learning that provides for over 150 students and staff. It does not cover all of our energy needs but is a perfect example of what can be done on a modest budget to help the environment in the long run if done on a larger scale.

Our computer lab’s lights are powered by solar.

As discussed previously, these solar panels were mostly the result of generous donors who attended the Shine a Light on Education fundraiser in Manhattan last October. Uniting Distant Stars was able to surpass the initial goal of $5,000 and unite more “Stars” in showing the importance of supporting trade skills to improve local communities on the other side of the world. Without them, and supporters like you, our many students, their families, and the communities they live in would not be able to shine to their brightest abilities.

With the beginning of this new year, Uniting Distant Stars is counting its blessings and does not plan to slow down on its progress of expanding programs and opportunities for students in Liberia. With your help, we can continue to expand the number of solar panels at the learning center and become 100% renewable and self-reliant. 

You can help us reach our Phase 2 goal of $3,040 by joining two supporters who have already donated $1,025! Please donate today to complete our solar project. Thank you for Lighting Up the lives of Liberian Youth!

Shine a Light on Education Fundraiser in New York City

Shine a Light on Education Fundraiser in New York City

Uniting Distant Stars made its debut in the Big Apple with the well-organized efforts of Adam Pederson, Board Secretary. He worked with a friend to host a fundraiser on October 19 from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM in Manhattan’s East Village. He found donated items such as African Art and modern abstract paintings for the silent auction. There was also a raffle draw for prizes of wine and champagne. The event offered free wine and hors d’oeuvres.

These photos show the various donated items for the silent auction. Photos by Adam Pederson

The goal of this fundraiser was $5,000 for our solar power initiative. Adam secured an anonymous $2,500 matching the gift to encourage people to donate and double their impact. This event was a huge success by raising $5,292…an exceeded goal! There were about 30 people who participated in this event and who brought more awareness to our vocational training program in Liberia. 

We will continue working with solar professionals in both Liberia and Minnesota to coordinate the next steps. The goal is not only to install solar panels but to have our electrician students help with the installation. All of UDS is overjoyed with making this strategic goal a reality.

Many Thanks to our new and continued supporters that contributed to helping Liberian Youth obtain marketable and valuable skills in trade careers!!!

Many Thanks to Adam Pederson’s Facebook Fundraiser

Many Thanks to Adam Pederson’s Facebook Fundraiser

A nice way to start your morning is to get a text message asking, “Hey! Have you checked out UDS’s Facebook today?” This is how Adam Pederson, UDS Board Secretary, contacted me on March 6th. I immediately went to our Facebook Page and noticed Adam created a fundraiser to raise $2,000 for our computer lab. Within in two days he raised $2,020 with two donors. Wow!!! 

Facebook makes fundraising easy, and no longer charges a 5% processing fee on debit and credit card charges to 501(c)3 organizations. Adam used a simple tool and shared an article about a teacher in Ghana who had no computers to train his students. This teacher instead used a chalkboard and sketched how to use Microsoft Word.

Our Uniting Distant Stars Youth are fortunate to have a team of Classroom Heroes like you. Your support is what opened our computer lab in 2016, which has been the main attraction for our students ever since.  And in 2017, you helped us move to our new center with a larger computer lab. The photo below shows how you expanded our computer lab!

Liberian youth are fully aware of the importance of computer training. Oneal Willie, a computer student, featured in our “Creating Opportunities for Youth in Liberia” video in 2017, said (starting at 3:44), “The world is advanced. Anything that you do now, you have to have a knowledge of computers. Without computer knowledge, you cannot do anything.”

You helped make this lab stand out among other training schools in Liberia. This course ensures each student has their own computer to work with during the class time. This term we have 35 students enrolled and assigned to one of three sections. If more students enroll in the next few weeks, we will add another section to accommodate their learning needs.

Later this month, our team will purchase additional computers for our lab from Adam’s fundraiser. Thank again to Adam and his two generous donors for making this possible!!!

Your Generous Gift At Work

Your compassionate giving opens doors for young Liberians who need support in furthering their educational goals. You have shared our journey of empowering Liberian Youth (children, teenagers, and young adults) in Liberia with educational resources (scholarships, school supply drives, etc), leadership development (youth virtual exchanges and workshops) and vocational training courses in the fields needed in their country. You have contributed to our growth by providing the means to offer programs that our youth have requested.

Your generosity toward our “Become a Classroom Hero” campaign will soon be at work! We wired $4,300 on Friday to purchase the learning materials for the five courses: Catering, Cosmetology, Electricity, Plumbing, and Tailoring. Some of our students will be completing their courses in November, and it is important that we can deliver the hands-on training they need, so they can find employment or start a business when they graduate. We will continue to promote this campaign so we can raise the remaining funds for needed practical materials.

Recently, at the “A Gathering of Stars” House Party, Miriam Monono Isaac (Board Chair & Sustaining Star Supporter), shared how your charitable contributions are used for the betterment of our students. She highlighted how our commitment and resolve toward helping young Liberians to become self-sufficient has been made possible because of your continued support. Please watch to her compelling talk about why supporting Uniting Distant Stars is a good investment and benefits our youth in their personal development.


[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hs2S7KsUTg[/embedyt]

A Gather of the Stars – Be Inspired

Thank you for attending our first house party “A Gathering of the Stars” on September 18th, 2017! You raised $475 for our Become a Classroom Hero campaign from this stellar event, which featured delicious food, great networking, and being inspired to support Liberian youth. We all appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to meet our fabulous board and to learn more about our work in Liberia!

It is important to give special recognition to our hosts, John & Maureen Trepp, who opened their home for this gathering of supporters, old and new. We also want to recognize our guest speaker, Branko Tambah, who shared an inspiring message about vocational training, and the blessings of opportunity that come with it. Finally, we give our gratitude to African Foods & Gifts, for making the delicious appetizers for this event!

For those who missed this event, we recorded Branko’s talk, “The Importance of Vocational Training.” He shares his personal story of growing up in poverty and facing the challenges of war in his home country of Liberia. Both he and his Dad benefited from vocational training on Booker Washington Institute (BWI) in Kakata, Liberia. Branko expressed how vocational training is the path to personal sustainability, and he encouraged everyone to support our students attending UDS courses. Please enjoy his talk, and be inspired to help young Liberians achieve their star potential!


Become a Classroom Hero

DONATE NOW!        GOAL: $7,200     RAISED: $202 

Here is YOUR chance to change the world–

Become a Classroom Hero for Liberian Youth Today!

Are you ready to support the aspirations of young Liberians and help them achieve their goals?

Then this is your chance to Become a Classroom Hero for Liberian Youth attending our vocational training classes.

Help us raise $7,200 to purchase the required practical materials for our courses in Catering, Cosmetology, Electricity, Plumbing and Tailoring by:

  1. Donating online or writing a check to Uniting Distant Stars, 4010 Lawndale LN N, Plymouth, MN 55446
  2. Start a Facebook Fundraiser on Uniting Distant Stars’ Behalf to encourage others to support our ambitious youth in Liberia.
  3. Host or create a fundraiser to sponsor a course as follows:

✮ Catering needs $1,000 for baking pans, mixing bowls, cooking pots, etc.

✮ Cosmetology needs $2,000 for flat irons, materials for hair and nails, etc.

✮ Electricity needs $1.500 for tools, meters & testers, and other materials.

✮ Plumbing needs $1,500 for tools, pipes, faucets and other materials.

✮ Tailoring needs $1,200 for scissors, thread, ironing board, machine oil, and other materials.

All DONATIONS are tax-deductible and life changing! Thank you for making a difference in the lives of children & young adults!